Two books of photography from the last 20 years of my creative practice. One is called Sleight of Hand and contains street photographs of people.
The other called Literal Monuments has "pictures of mostly objects."
I've been obsessed with cameras since I was a little boy. Sort of a tinkerer I guess. My first job was at a camera store. Pictures just fascinate me. And as I went through college and grad school I read quite a bit about photography and the role it plays in our lives. If you want a fun reading list, let me know! But you don’t have to read a thing get in the right headspace to look at or enjoy these books.
Do you ever take a minute to think about how before 150 years ago, or so, if you moved away from home -- you'd just forget what your relatives looked like? Because photos hadn't been invented yet? Photos play a big part of our lives and to some extent that informs the pictures I take.
Buy the books here: (link coming) Anthony Clune Photography Book (1999-2019)
Here’s the whole book. You can click through the pixel version, but nothing beats paper. I’ll put it up for sale on here at some point.
Thanks for the quote Susan Sontag.
I'd estimate there's about 40-50 days of design and production work in these books. Truly a labor of love. Pretty detail oriented stuff - sifting through 50,000+ images - scanning negatives - retouching, layout, etc etc. Glad it's over, but it's super gratifying to get through all that work and I'm thrilled and relieved to be able to share these books with you. Thanks for checking out my project!

Art world vibes run deep in this one. The opening quote by Michael Fried sums it up.
Again here’s the whole book in pixel form. Click click click - click on through. Enjoy the pictures!